Encrypt/Decrypt file
PHP lacks a build-in function to encrypt and decrypt large files.
can be used to encrypt strings, but loading a huge file into memory is a bad idea.
So we have to write a userland function doing that. This example uses the symmetric AES-128-CBC algorithm to encrypt smaller chunks of a large file and writes them into another file.
Encrypt code is visible in PHP source.
To decrypt files that have been encrypted with the above function you can use this function.
Decrypt code is visible in PHP source.
$enc_data = base64_encode( openssl_encrypt( $data, $method, $pass, true, $iv ) ); $dec_data = openssl_decrypt( base64_decode( $enc_data ), $method, $pass, true, $iv );
Source ➠ http://stackoverflow.com/documentation/php/5794/cryptography/25499/
(Source at StackOverflow does not exist anymore)
⇪ Jul 04 2022 17:06:03