Passwordhash with salt

Saltlength (bytes/hex)10/20
Salt + passwordb9e6e6ee1d25ca45b32e_kudoos!pecunia!formentera
MD5 hash75de9bf3f6e9e83e2345e4b968222e90
Bcrypt hash$2y$10$xJf390Blq5hPHpDUb/LM4OBUXuRVjAiULnvcjH.C81D2TPlkuhyti
= Algorithm ($2y$) and Cost (10)
Gost hasha04aa502f859329428076c64c8e0dcbc749acfea07739a64dd6f30ba133c2871

Note that bcrypt (password_hash in PHP) adds its own salt, so there's no need the supply your own.
So in the sample above the salted password is salted again.
Reload the page to see a different salt.

Check your password strength
Openssl Random Pseudo Bytes

PHP code of this page

In case you came from afar

See more about passwords
Salted Password Hashing - Doing it Right
Bcrypt hash anatomy